Converting a 'Wet Aga' over to Electric..

If you've ever wondered whether it was going to be possible to convert a 'Wet Aga' over to to electric, you'll be pleased to know that we've just completed out first conversion of a 2 oven oil fired Aga with a boiler.

So far, so good. We've 7 days worth of figures and temperatures which indicate that the conversion produces some great results. The cooker its self has performed 'better than ever', with a hot roasting oven, a good simmering oven, a bigger differentiation between the 2 and generally better temperature control.

'How Much will it cost to run my Aga?' (with Boiler), seems to be the most frequently asked question. This particular converted cooker is using 29 kWh per day, which equates to about £3.30 per day (£23.10 per week). If you're wanting to compare figures against oil, which averages at about £5.40 per day (£37.80 per week), then you're looking at a saving of close to £15 per week.

We'll report back after 4 weeks worth of figures with another update.
