We thought it was about time we updated you with the latest and most frequent questions coming in from customers regarding the electric conversions. Take a look below...
How much does it cost to convert my Aga to Electric?
Good question. That’s dependant on which conversion kit you choose. There are currently about 4 different kits on the market and the cost varies between £1,900-2,700.
For an exact quote please call us on 01508 499764 or email.
How much does a converted Aga cost to run?
The weekly running costs for an Aga which has been converted to electric firing (without a boiler) is as follows,
2-Oven – £17 -19 per week (More modern conversion kit)
4-Oven – £23 - 28 per week (More modern conversion kit)
* Based on a electricity tariff of 12p per kWh
Can you convert an Aga to 30 amp night storage?
Unfortunately, there are no such kits on the market at the moment to convert an regular oil, gas, solid fuel or 13 amp Aga over to 30 amp. Your only option is to buy a new from AGA themselves.
The 30 amp Night Storage Aga is the only Aga which we don’t work on, although we do get quite a few calls from customers looking for help with them. Engineers who work on them seem to be few and far between so its worth doing some research before you buy one.
What sort of power supply is needed for the 13 amp conversion kit?
The conversions kits we use require a 16 amp supply with twin 13 amp socket or a switched spur (dependant on the kit).
*Note: Please call us with any questions and we can talk directly to your electrician. Normally customers will get the sockets installed low level, either on the right or left hand side of the Aga
How do you need to vent the ovens, if so how?
The electric 13 amp conversions are simple to use and allow greater flexibility in terms of positioning. You no longer require a lined flue/chimney. The only restriction is with the venting of the ovens, where there are 3 options.
1. Vent up the existing chimney
2. Vent out the back of the Aga, if situated on an external wall.
3. Vent into the room with an extractor hood above the Aga cooker.
I hope that has shed some light on a few common questions. If you have any questions regarding the conversions please call or email me in the office on 01508 499764 or davidpointerscs@gmail.com.