The 'Bad Oil' Crisis Explained...

Finally some interesting reading for all you oil-fired Aga owners out there who are struggling with the so called 'Bad Oil' crisis.

Although I'm sure its wonderful to see our fresh faced and wonderfully handsome engineers crawling around the kitchen floors on a monthly basis, it can hurt the purse more than one would like.

I've heard numerous explanations as to why the burners seem to be blocking quicker than they ever have before, the most common being...

'Dat ruddy oil int much gud'

We were recently shown this interesting document explaining the premature carboning of our vaporizing burners.

Click here to view the document =>



Playing with my WeMo...

With all the interest in electric conversions, we thought it may be interesting to update you about our latest discovery!!

We had a bright idea (which i admit doesn't happen very often) about whether we could fit a switch to the power supply, which allowed us to turn Agas on & off using an app on a phone or tablet.

Sure enough Belkin, the electrical gadget supplier, have produced a switch called a WeMo which does exactly that.

So for all iPhone, IPad and Android users who also own an electric 13 amp Aga, this may turn out to be yet another excuse to look at your phone/ipad at every opportunity! (as if you need another excuse!).

Also, these amazing little switches are even better than first thought because you can program them to turn on an off at certain times of the day, acting like a timer. The best part is that they only cost £45-50.

Anyway, we've got one of trial at the moment and will keep you updated on our progress.

Selling an Oil fired Aga...

If you're thinking of selling your Aga cooker you may want to know where to go to get the best price. It used to be a simple scan through yellow pages or a quick call to your local engineer, to see what he or she would offer.

But things a have changed, in the current climate where the oil fired Aga market is on its knees due to the high and volatile oil prices, you may need to offer it out to a larger audience in order to get the best price.

The obvious choice would be to look on auction sites like Ebay, you can get interest from all over the UK and beyond. This larger audience doesn't always guarantee that you'll reach a higher price but can certainly create interest.

We use Ebay on a daily basis to judge how the market is for particular cookers, how much things are selling for and how much demand there is. If you would like us to give you an indication of how much your cooker is worth or how much you should expect to get for it then get in touch, call me on 01508 499 764 or email me at